IEEE Std 1641.1a-2018 pdf download – IEEE Guide for the Use of IEEE Std 1 641 ™, IEEE Standard for Signal and Test Definition Amendment 1 : Addition of Guidelines for Producing Reusable Test Signal Frameworks for Use on Platforms Utilizing Automatic Test Markup Language

02-25-2022 comment

IEEE Std 1641.1a-2018 pdf download – IEEE Guide for the Use of IEEE Std 1 641 ™, IEEE Standard for Signal and Test Definition Amendment 1 : Addition of Guidelines for Producing Reusable Test Signal Frameworks for Use on Platforms Utilizing Automatic Test Markup Language.
TSF Libraries are critical to any process for exchanging or sharing information about UUT test requirements or test equipment capability. The following guidelines help maximize interoperability of TSFs. a) Being able to simulate a TSF is a key requirement to sharing TSFs for defining nonstandard signals or critical characteristic’s behavior. Simulation allows signal models and their behavior to be compared and contrasted, provides a clear understanding of the effect of signal properties on the signal behavior, and demonstrates the impact of changing property values. b) The properties of a TSF should be defined such that any generic measurement of a TSF signal property would be expected to return a value equal to the source TSF attribute. As an example, for analog signals the rise-time value measured should be the same as the rise-time value set. Historically this has not always been the case. For example, the rise-time source property could be defined as the duration of the transition from Low level to High level, whereas the measurement is defined as the duration of the transition from 10% of the signal amplitude to 90% of the amplitude. In this situation the measured value will be different from the set value. A good example would be the situation when the measured value of a source signal is identical to its source definition value. If the source attribute “freq” has the value 10.1 kHz, the expectation is that the measured value of the same attribute is also 10.1 kHz. NOTE—The attribute values of the generic measured signal are the values that yield the least error compared with the input signal. c) A signal model should be defined when the behavior varies from the standard behavior. Alternatively, the use of an external reference should be justified (with the customer) when the TSF fully implements an existing standard.

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