IEEE Std C37.100.2-2018 pdf download – IEEE Standard for Common Requirements for Testing of AC Capacitive Current Switching Devices over 1 000 V

02-26-2022 comment

IEEE Std C37.100.2-2018 pdf download – IEEE Standard for Common Requirements for Testing of AC Capacitive Current Switching Devices over 1 000 V.
3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations 3.1 Definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause. 3 These definitions are not intended to embrace all possible meanings of the terms. They are intended solely to establish the meanings of terms used in power switchgear. IEEE Std C37.20.10™ [B10], IEEE Std C37.100.5™, and IEEE Std C37.04a™-2003 [B4] should be referenced for terms not defined in this clause. 4 capacitive current switching device: A switching device capable of making and breaking capacitive currents. capacitive switching current: The rms symmetrical value of the capacitive load current that a capacitive current switching device is required to make and break as part of its designated operation duty cycle. transient inrush current: The high-frequency component of current that flows during a making operation of a switching device. transient inrush frequency: The frequency of the transient inrush current.
4.1 General The tests in this standard are designed to be used by other standards to demonstrate a capability of a particular device to switch capacitive circuits. Not all devices need be tested to all of the tests in this standard. Any device can be qualified for any given capacitive circuit in this standard with no requirement to perform the other tests. The capacitive current switching abilities of a device shall be stated in terms of the ratings given in 4.2. 4.2 Ratings and applicability 4.2.1 Rated capacitive switching current The rated capacitive switching current is the rms symmetrical value of the capacitive load current that a device is required to make and break under specified ratings. 4.2.2 Rated maximum voltage (V) or (U r ) The rated maximum voltage indicates the upper limit of the highest voltage of systems for which the capacitive current switching device is intended.

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