AS IEC 62053.31:2018 pdf download – Electricity metering equipment (a.c.)— Particular requirements Part 31: Pulse output devices for electromechanical and electronic meters (two wires only)

03-02-2022 comment

AS IEC 62053.31:2018 pdf download – Electricity metering equipment (a.c.)— Particular requirements Part 31: Pulse output devices for electromechanical and electronic meters (two wires only).
3 Definitions For the purpose of this International Standard, the following definitions apply. 3.1 General definitions See in the relevant meter standard. 3.2 Definitions related to functional elements 3.2.1 pulse: wave that departs from an initial level for a limited duration of time and ultimately returns to the original level 3.2.2 pulse device (for electricity metering): functional unit for emitting, transmitting, retransmitting or receiving electric pulses, representing finite quantities, such as energy normally transmitted from some form of electricity meter to a receiver unit 3.2.3 pulse input device (pulse input): pulse device for receiving pulses 3.2.4 pulse output device (pulse output): pulse device for emitting pulses 4 Requirements Meters equipped w ith pulse output devic es shall comply with all the r equirements of the relevant meter standard, unless otherwise specified in the present standard.
4.1 Functional requirements 4.1 .1 Introduction The output pulse is characterized by two states: ON-state and OFF-state, as defined in table 1 . Each ON-state and each OFF-state is followed by a transi ent state before reaching the other state. Two types of pulse output devices are defined in this standard: – pulse output devices class A for long range transmission; – pulse output devices class B for short range and low power consumption. The pulse output shall generate a number of pulses proportional to the measured energy. 4.1 .2 Electrical environment The physical interface of the pulse output device is described in annex A. The supply source for the output circuit shall originate from an external device (e.g. multi-rate unit) or other selected source.
4.1 .3 Pulse characteristics 4.1 .3.1 Output pulse waveform The pulses shall have the shape shown in figure B.1 . 4.1 .3.2 Supply polarity When the m eter is equipped w ith several pulse outputs that have a common terminal this common terminal shall be negative. 4.1 .3.3 Pulse duration The pulse duration t ON is defined in figure B.1 with t ON > 30 ms. The time between two successive pulses t OFF is defined in figure B.1 with t OFF > 30 ms. 4.1 .3.4 Transition time ( t T ) The transition time (rise time or fall time) is the tim e from one s tate to the other , including transient effects, e.g. contact bounce. The transition time shall be less than 5 ms (see figure B.1 ). 4.2 Mechanical requirements 4.2.1 General The features of the puls e device shall comply with all m echanical requirements stated in the standard applying to the meter in which it is included. Refer to the appropriate standard. 4.2.2 Marking of the pulse value Information on the pulse value in the form x (energy units)/imp or x imp/(energy units) shall be added on the meter name plate or on a separate plate (imp = pulse). 4.3 Climatic conditions Refer to IEC 61 036.
4.4 Electrical requirements 4.4.1 Interaction with the meter In order to ascertain that the puls e output device has no adverse influence on the meter and the meter has no adver se influence on the puls e output device, the tests of the following clauses and subclauses shall be carried out and the r equirements met, unless otherwise specified in this standard: – clause 6 “Electrical requirements” and clause 8 “Accuracy” of IEC 601 45; – clause 6 “Electrical requirements”, clause 8 “Accuracy”, clause 9 “Starting and running with no load” and clause 1 0 “Adjustment” of IEC 60521 ; – subclauses 4.4 “Electrical requirements” and 4.6 “Accuracy requirements” of IEC 60687, IEC 61 036 and IEC 61 268. 4.4.2 Power consumption For static meters and electromechanical meters equipped with pulse output devices, the power consumption shall not exceed the values specified in table 1 of IEC 61 899 for multi-function meters. 4.4.3 Influence of supply voltage Voltage range Refer to IEC 61 036. Voltage dips and short interruptions Voltage dips and short interruptions shall not cause more than one pulse. When the voltage is restored the pulse output device shall not have suffered degradation of its characteristics. For testing see 5.4.1 .

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