IEC 60846-2:2015 pdf download – Radiation protection instrumentation – Ambient and/or directional dose equivalent (rate) meters and/or monitors for beta, X and gamma radiation – Part 2: High range beta and photon dose and dose rate portable instruments for emergency radiation protection purposes

03-04-2022 comment

IEC 60846-2:2015 pdf download – Radiation protection instrumentation – Ambient and/or directional dose equivalent (rate) meters and/or monitors for beta, X and gamma radiation – Part 2: High range beta and photon dose and dose rate portable instruments for emergency radiation protection purposes.
3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in 3.1 to 3.33 of IEC 60846-1 :2009 and the following apply: 3.34 extracameral response response to radiation of all the parts of the instrument except the detector itself 3.35 emergency situation situation in which the dose equivalent (rates) of interest and one or more of the influence quantities are not covered in IEC 60846-1 4 Units and list of symbols For the purposes of this standard, the units and list of symbols given in 4.1 to 4.2 of IEC 60846-1 :2009 apply, without modifications. 5 General characteristics of ambient dose equivalent (rate) meters for emergency purposes For the purposes of this standard, 5.1 to 5.1 4 of IEC 60846-1 :2009 apply, without modifications, except as stated in the following subclauses. The changed subclauses are identified by the same number as in IEC 60846-1 :2009 or, for new subclauses, by a higher number not used in IEC 60846-1 :2009. 5.2 Read-out Single scale is preferred. If multiple scales are used, the changing of measuring range and read-out scale shall be simultaneous and shall be clearly displayed. All scales shall be readable under normal lighting conditions.
5.3 Dose equivalent and dose equivalent rate range The implementation of ICRP recommendations requires the determination of dose equivalent rate over a wide range of values. Under some circumstances, dose equivalent rates as high as 1 0 Sv h –1 require measurement. For application as an emergency instrument, the dose equivalent rates of interest are within the range from approximately 1 mSv h –1 to 1 0 Sv h –1 . If integrating capability is provided, the range between 1 mSv to 1 0 Sv usually is of interest. 5.5 Minimum range of measurement The minimum effective range of measurement of dose equivalent rate shall cover at least four orders of magnitude and shall include the range from 1 mSv h –1 to 1 0 Sv h –1 . The minimum effective range of dose equivalent shall cover at least four orders of magnitude and shall include 1 0 Sv. 5.1 5 Portability In the case of survey meters, the complete instrument should not exceed 4 kg in weight and shall be equipped with handles, straps or other means to facilitate operation while being carried. It is recognized that an extension probe or some other means may be required to reduce the dose to the operator.
5.1 6 Protection of switches Switches and other controls shall be protected to prevent inadvertent de-activation or mal- operation of the instrument. 5.1 7 Use of extension probe If an extension probe is to be used, the instrument including the probe and all associated equipment necessary for measurements including the extension device extended to the worst case configuration shall be tested. Details of the test method shall be made available along with the results. 5.1 8 Contamination probe Emergency dose rate monitors are frequently provided with a surface contamination probe. This probe shall meet the requirements of IEC 60325. 6 General test procedures For the purposes of this standard, 6.1 to 6.1 4 of IEC 60846-1 :2009 apply, without modifications. 7 Additivity of indicated value For the purposes of this standard, 7.1 to 7.3 of IEC 60846-1 :2009 apply, without modifications. 8 Radiation performance requirements and tests For the purposes of this standard, 8.1 to 8.1 3 of IEC 60846-1 :2009 apply, without modifications, except as stated in the following subclauses. The changed subclauses are identified by the same number as in IEC 60846-1 :2009 or, for new subclauses, by a higher number not used in IEC 60846-1 :2009. 8.4 Variation of the response due to photon radiation energy and angle of incidence 8.4.3 Measuring quantity H'(0,07), ‘ H & (0,07), H*(1 0) or H & *(10) for telescopic or remote cylindrical probes General Where telescopic or remote cylindrical probes with their calibration direction perpendicular to the axis of symmetry are used for emergency instrumentation, this subclause 8.4.3 replaces 8.4.1 and 8.4.2 of IEC 60846-1 :2009. In all other cases, subclauses 8.4.1 and 8.4.2 of IEC 60846-1 :2009 apply, without modification.

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