Global Marketing Management System.pdf (2nd Edition).Imagine that you could build a time machine and go back in time to look at the world of trade and international business. If one were to go back a mere three decades, you would see that transport and communication were key barriers to international trade. The division of the world into political blocs had created distinctive spheres of economic activity, some of which were artificially constrained by state managed enterprises and others by what we now call “freetrade”. Drastic decrease in the cost of transport and communication brought about by the increasing use of technology as well as geopolitical changes have dramatically increased the volume of international trade to over a 7% increase every year since 1970.From 1980 onwards, developing economies increased their share of international trade to almost 42% of global trade with Asia emerging as a fulcrum of these so-called “emerging markets”.
Global Marketing Management System.pdf (2nd Edition)
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