IEC 60700-2:2016 pdf download – Thyristor valves for high voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission – Part 2: Terminology

03-05-2022 comment

IEC 60700-2:2016 pdf download – Thyristor valves for high voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission – Part 2: Terminology.
6.31 valve support part of the valve which mechanically supports and electrically insulates from earth the active part of the valve 6.32 valve structure structural components of a valve, required in order to physically support the valve modules 6.33 valve tier one physical layer of a single or a multiple valve unit comprising one or more valve module(s) 6.34 corona shield conductive surface on the external profile of a single or a multiple valve unit for the purpose of minimising the surface electrical field strength and preventing corona 6.35 valve leakage detection system all equipment needed for detecting the cooling media leakage in the valve 6.36 valve stray capacitance equivalent capacitance between the two terminals of a valve consisting only of the stray capacitance of the valve structure which value is mainly dependent on the mechanical arrangement of a thyristor valve Note 1 to entry: Valve stray capacitance does not include capacitance of damping capacitors, valve section capacitors and fast grading capacitors, if any. Note 2 to entry: The stray capacitance coming from the converter transformer and its bushing is not included in this definition. 7 Thyristor valve performance 7.1 valve blocking operation preventing further firing of a valve [SOURCE: IEC 60633:201 5, 7.1 7, modified – The adjective “controllable” has been deleted.] 7.2 valve deblocking operation permitting firing of a valve [SOURCE: IEC 60633:201 5, 7.1 8, modified – The adverb “further” and the adjective “controllable” have been deleted.]
7.4 off-state non-conducting state condition of a valve when all thyristors are turned off 7.5 forward blocking state non-conducting state of a valve when forward voltage is applied between its main terminals [SOURCE: IEC 60633:201 5, 7.1 1 .1 , modified – The adjective “controllable” has been deleted.] 7.6 reverse blocking state non-conducting state of a valve when reverse voltage is applied between its main terminals [SOURCE: IEC 60633:201 5, 7.1 1 .2] 7.7 firing failure failure to achieve firing of a valve during the entire forward voltage interval [SOURCE: IEC 60633:201 5, 7.30] 7.8 commutation failure failure to commutate the forward current from the conducting converter arm to the succeeding converter arm [SOURCE: IEC 60633:201 5, 7.31 ] 7.9 false firing misfiring firing of a valve at an unintended instant 8 Thyristor valve voltages, currents and other parameters 8.1 valve forward voltage voltage applied between the anode and cathode terminals of a valve or an arm when the anode is positive with respect to the cathode SEE: Figure 4 [SOURCE: IEC 60633:201 5, 7.7, modified – The noun “valve” has been added to the term.] 8.2 valve forward current current which flows through a valve in the forward direction [SOURCE: IEC 60633:201 5, 7.5, modified – The noun “valve” has been added to the term.]
8.4 valve reverse current current which flows through a valve in the reverse direction [SOURCE: IEC 60633:201 5, 7.6, modified – The noun “valve” has been added to the term.] 8.5 valve on-state conducting state state of a thyristor valve when all thyristors are turned-on 8.6 valve on-state voltage voltage drop forward voltage which, during the on-state, appears across the valve terminals 8.7 valve off-state voltage forward voltage which, during the non-conducting state, appears across the valve terminals 8.8 valve on-state current current which flows through a valve during the on-state 8.9 valve conduction interval part of a cycle during which a valve is in the conducting state SEE: Figure 4 [SOURCE: IEC 60633:201 5, 7.25] 8.10 valve blocking interval part of a cycle during which a valve is in the non-conducting state SEE: Figure 4 [SOURCE: IEC 60633:201 5, 7.26, modified – The noun “valve” has been added to the term, and the second preferred term “idle interval” has been deleted.] 8.1 1 valve forward blocking interval part of the blocking interval during which a controllable valve is in the forward blocking state SEE: Figure 4 [SOURCE: IEC 60633:201 5, 7.27, modified – The noun “valve” has been added to the term.]

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