IEEE Std 1591.2-2017 pdf download – IEEE Standard for Testing and Performance of Hardware for All-Dielectric Self-Supporting (ADSS) Fiber Optic Cable.
3.2 Electrical defnitions corona: Electrical discharge brought on by the ionization of the air near and around any conductive element caused by the electrical feld strength. Corona is pertinent to the standard since it can be generated from the edges of hardware elements attached to the cable. dry band arcing: When wet pollution on all-dielectric self-supporting cable jacket dries, high resistance dry bands form. Induced voltage of sufcient magnitude across dry bands will produce an arc that can potentially damage the jacket. electric feld: The change in space potential over a change in distance. The basic concept is E ≅ dV/ds and E is a vector that has magnitude and direction. Magnitude is described in units of volts/meter (common abbreviations are V/m, kV/m, and kV/cm). Direction may be in the form of components such as Ex, Ey, and Ez or given by unit direction vectors (Ux, Uy, Uz). induced voltage (Voc): In this document, Voc refers to the induced voltage across a formed dry band in the absence of an arc, often called “voltage open circuit.” NOTE—For further information, consult Annex D and Annex E of IEEE Std 1222-2011. pollution index: This is the exponent of the wet pollution linear resistance in ohms/meter. Example: An index of 5.7 indicates a resistance of 10 5.7 or 501 kΩ/m. NOTE—For further information, consult Annex D and Annex E of IEEE Std 1222-2011. pollution resistance: The wet pollution resistance on the all-dielectric self-supporting (ADSS) jacket surface in ohms/meter. This parameter is used to determine currents in the wet pollution layer as well as for computing dry band arc voltage. These currents and voltages form the basis of the test described in IEEE Std 1222. NOTE—ADSS cable wet pollution is normally very conductive compared to dry pollution. In general, 108 Ω/m or less is considered conductive. For further information, consult Annex D and Annex E of IEEE Std 1222-2011.
IEEE Std 1591.2-2017 pdf download – IEEE Standard for Testing and Performance of Hardware for All-Dielectric Self-Supporting (ADSS) Fiber Optic Cable
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