IEEE Std 1636.2-2018 pdf download – IEEE Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Maintenance Action Information via the Extensible Markup Language (XML).
1.4.2 Of this document’s annexes This document includes two annexes. Of these two, one is normative (Annex A). Annex A contains descriptive information about each of the XML schema and OWL ontology elements and types. Annex B contains the bibliography. This is informative, and thus is provided strictly as information, for both users and maintainers of this document. 1.5 Precedence In the event of confict between this document and a normatively referenced standard (see Clause 2), the normatively referenced standard, as it applies to the information being produced, shall take precedence. In the event of confict between this document and the SIMICA family base document (IEEE Std 1636-2018), the SIMICA family base document shall take precedence. In the event of confict between this document and another SIMICA family component standard, this document shall take precedence. 1.6 Conventions used in this document 1.6.1 General All groups, complex types, simple types, and attribute groups are listed in Annex A; Descriptive information for each is provided. Where there are references to a groups, complex types, simple types, and attribute groups within the associated XML schema or OWL ontology (MaintenanceActionInformation.xsd and MAI.owl), the convention of [name] at [element] is used to indicate where the user can locate the data within either the MaintenanceActionInformation.xsd or MAI.owl fles. Example: 1636.2-2018 download at: http:// standards .ieee .org/ downloads indicates that the user is to open the MaintenanceActionInformation.xsd at the location provided and fnd for the schema defnition. The namespace prefx “mai:” identifes that the type or attribute group associated with this document. All specifcations for OWL and XML within this document are given in the Courier type font and italicized.
3. Defnitions, acronyms, and abbreviations 3.1 Defnitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and defnitions apply. The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defned in this clause. 4 component [in an extensible Markup Language (XML) schema]: The generic term for the building blocks that comprise the abstract data model of the schema. extensible Markup Language (XML) attribute: Name-value pair associated with an XML element. extensible Markup Language (XML) document: A (text) data object that conforms to the XML requirements for being well-formed (as defned by W3C). extensible Markup Language (XML) namespace: A method for distinguishing XML elements and attributes that may have the same name but different meanings. A URL is used as a prefx to a “local name.” This combination ensures the uniqueness of the element or attribute name. The URL is used only as a way to create a unique prefx and does not have to resolve to a real page on the Internet. NOTE—See Namespaces in XML 1.0 [B4]. 5 extensible Markup Language (XML) schema: The structure or framework used to defne a data record. This includes each feld’s name, type, shape, dimension, and mapping. framework: A framework is a real or conceptual structure expressed as a set of abstract classes. The framework provides a context for the components to be used.
IEEE Std 1636.2-2018 pdf download – IEEE Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Maintenance Action Information via the Extensible Markup Language (XML)
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