IEEE Std 1671.5-2015 pdf download – IEEE Standard for Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) Test Adapter Description

02-25-2022 comment

IEEE Std 1671.5-2015 pdf download – IEEE Standard for Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) Test Adapter Description.
3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations 3.1 Definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause. 6 In the event a term is explicitly redefined, or further defined in an ATML component standard, the component standards definition shall take precedence for that ATML component standard. abstract type: A declared type that can be used to define other types through derivation. Only non-abstract types derived from the declared type can be used in instance documents. When such a type is used, it shall be identified by the xsi:type attribute. automatic test markup language (ATML) instance document: See: instance document. element: A bounded component of the logical structure of an extensible markup language (XML) document that has a type and that may have XML attributes and content. [adapted from Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition)] entity: Something that has a distinct separate existence. extensible markup language (XML) attribute: Name-value pair associated with an XML element. extensible markup language (XML) document: A data object that conforms to the XML requirements for being well-formed. In addition, the data object is valid if it additionally conforms to semantic rules of the XML schema.
4.2.2 TestAdapterDescription Base type: ta:TestAdapterDescription Properties: content complex The TestAdapterDescription element shall be used to document the aspects of a family of test adapters. Attributes TestAdapterDescription element inherits the attributes from TestAdapterDesciption complex type (see 4.2.3). Child elements TestAdapterDescription element inherits the child elements from TestAdapterDescription complex type (see 4.2.3). 4.2.3 TestAdapterDescription complex type Base type: te:TestEquipment Properties: content complex Attributes TestAdapterDescription contains the securityClassification, classified, name, version, and uuid attributes inherited from the hc:HardwareItemDescription complex type and the DocumentRootAttributes attribute group defined in Annex B of IEEE Std 1671. Child elements TestAdapterDescription inherits the child elements of te:TestEquipment contained in Annex B of IEEE Std 1671. 4.3 Simple types None. 5. Schema—TestAdapterInstance.xsd 5.1 General In addition to the conventions specified in 1.5.1, the prefix “c:” represents that the element is defined by/is inherited from the IEEE Std 1671-2010 associated Common.xsd XML schema. The prefix “hc:” indicates that the element is defined by/is inherited from the IEEE Std 1671-2010 associated HardwareCommon.xsd XML schema. The prefix “te:” indicates that the element is defined by/is inherited from the IEEE Std 1671-2010 associated TestEquipment.xsd XML schema.

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