IEEE Std 1829-2017 pdf download – IEEE Guide for Conducting Corona Tests on Hardware for Overhead Transmission Lines and Substations

02-25-2022 comment

IEEE Std 1829-2017 pdf download – IEEE Guide for Conducting Corona Tests on Hardware for Overhead Transmission Lines and Substations.
3. Defi nitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and defi nitions apply. The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defi ned in this clause. 3 Additional defi nitions related to corona and fi eld eff ects can be found in IEEE Std 539™ [B12] 4 . corona: A luminous discharge due to ionization of the air surrounding an electrode caused by a voltage gradi- ent exceeding a certain critical value. corona extinction gradient: The voltage gradient on that part of an electrode surface at which continuous corona last persists as the applied voltage is gradually decreased. corona extinction voltage: The voltage applied to the electrode to produce the corona extinction voltage gradient. corona inception gradient: The voltage gradient on that part of an electrode surface at which continuous co- rona fi rst occurs as the applied voltage is gradually increased. corona inception voltage: The voltage applied to the electrode to produce the corona inception voltage gradient. radio infl uence voltage: See: radio interference voltage. NOTE—The term infl uence was coined to avoid the general admission that power systems would generate and conduct interference. The term infl uence is used only in North America; the term interference is preferred elsewhere. 5 radio interference voltage (RIV): The radio frequency voltage appearing on conductors of electrical equip- ment or circuits, as measured using a radio noise meter as a two-terminal voltmeter in accordance with speci- fi ed methods (generally termed conducted measurements).
4. Test arrangement for transmission line hardware 4.1 General The single conductor or the bundle of subconductors that have been selected for the transmission line on which the hardware is to be used may be represented by smooth tubing or by stranded conductors of similar (± 5%) outer diameter. The test conductor is positioned parallel to a conducting reference ground plane represented by a suitable ceiling, wall, fl oor, or a structure specifi cally built for the purpose. Test conductor as used in this text means the single tube, stranded conductor, or bundle of subconductors used for the test. The reference ground plane should be at least 30% longer than the test conductor and at least twice as wide as the specifi ed clearance be- tween the conductor and reference ground plane. Further, the conductor and suggested ground plane structure is positioned such that the conductor is centered with respect to the ground plane. No other grounded or me- tallic object may be closer to any point on the test conductor than the distance between the conductor and the reference ground. In the test on any hardware item, regardless of type, the end of test conductor and the connection to the high voltage test transformer is ideally free of positive corona. All corona shields and auxiliary hardware used for the purpose of minimizing corona should be of such size that the surface voltage gradient at the mid-point of the test conductor is unaff ected.

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