IEEE Std 1903.1-2017 pdf download – IEEE Standard for Content Delivery Protocols of Next Generation Service Overlay Network

02-25-2022 comment

IEEE Std 1903.1-2017 pdf download – IEEE Standard for Content Delivery Protocols of Next Generation Service Overlay Network.
6.4.6 Channel ID Channel identifer in the SPD-FE domain. Type: UInteger32 Length: 32 bits Value: 0 to 2 ^ 32-1 6.4.7 Channel name Channel identifer in the domain name of the invoked CD-FE. Type: UTF-8 String Length: 4096 Characters Value: Character Sequence (e.g.,,, etc.) 6.4.8 Content ID Identifer for the content. Type: UInteger32 Length: 32 bits Value: 0 to 2 ^ 32-1 6.4.9 Content delivery path Describes the path for content delivery. Type: UTF-8 String Length: 4096 Characters Value: Character Sequence (e.g., URI) 6.4.10 Context domain Identifes the network region over which context information is requested. Type: Enumerated8 Value: 1. Access Network 2. Metro Network 3. End User 4. ISP 5. Geographic Area
6.4.11 Context parameter name Denotes the name of the context parameter requested. Type: UTF-8 String Length: 4096 Characters Value: Character Sequence (e.g., network status, access histories, social network status) 6.4.12 Context parameter type Denotes the type of the context parameter requested as described in Annex C. Type: UTF-8 String Length: 4096 Characters Value: Character Sequence (e.g., UInteger8, UTF-8 String) 6.4.13 Context parameter value Denotes the value of the context parameter requested. Type: UTF-8 String Length: 4096 Characters Value: Character Sequence (e.g., down, 100) 6.4.14 D-session ID Identifer for the unicast delivery session for a particular channel ID. Type: UInteger32 Length: 32 bits Value: 0 to 2 ^ 32-1 6.4.15 Context domain Describes the content service direction information for the content delivery channel setup. Type: Enumerated8 Value: 1. Up 2. Down 3. Bidirection
6.4.16 Delivery method Describes the content content delivery method between source and destinations. Type: Enumerated8 Value: 1. Unicast 2. Multicast 3. Anycast 4. Broadcast 6.4.17 Delivery node ID NGSON node identifer that delivers content to the service requester. Type: UInteger32 Length: 32 bits Value: 0 to 2 ^ 32-1 6.4.18 Device type Denotes the end user device type. Type: Enumerated8 Value: 1. PC 2. Phone 3. Pad 4. TV 6.4.19 File directory Name of the fle directory. Type: UTF-8 String Length: 4096 Characters Value: Character Sequence (e.g., Chapter1, Music100) 6.4.20 File name Name of the fle. Type: UTF-8 String

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