IEEE Std 8023cq-2020 pdf download – IEEE Standard for Ethernet Amendment 6: Maintenance #13: Power over Ethernet over 2 pairs
(This amendment is based on IEEE Std 802.3TM-2018 as amended by IEEE Std 802.3cbTM-2018, IEEE Std 802.3btTM-2018, IEEE Std 802.3cdTM-2018,IEEE Std 802.3cnTM-2019,and IEEE Std 802.3cgTM-2019.) NOTE- -The editing instructions contained in this amendment define how to merge the material contained therein into the existing base standard and its amendments to form the comprehensive standard. The editing instructions are shown in bold italic. Four editing instructions are used: change, delete, insert, and replace. Change is used to make corrections in existing text or tables. The editing instruction specifies the location of the change and describes what is being changed by using strikethrough (to remove old material) and underscore (to add new material). Delete removes existing material. Insert adds new material without disturbing the existing material. Deletions and insertions may require renumbering. If so, renumbering instructions are given in the editing instruction. Replace is used to make changes in figures or equations by removing the existing figure or equation and replacing it with a new one. Editing instructions, change markings, and this NOTE will not be carried over into future editions because the changes will be incorporated into the base standard. Cross preferences that refer to clauses, tables, equations, or figures not covered by this amendment are highighted in green.
30. Management 30.9 Management for Power over Ethernet 30.9.1 PSE managed object class PSE attributes Change (as modified by IEEE Std 802.3bt-2018) as follows: aPSEOverL oadCounter ATTRIBUTE APPROPRIATE SYNTAX: Generalized nonresettable counter. This counter has a maximum increment rate of 2 counts per second. BEHA VIOUR DEFINED AS: This counter is incremented when the PSE state diagram (Figure 33- 9 and Figure 145- 13) enters the state ERROR_ DELAY due to the ovld detected variable being TRUE. For Type 1 or Type 2 PSEs, ifa Clause 22 MII or Clause 35 GMII is present, then this will map to the Overload bit specifed in 33.5. 1.2.8;
It should be noted that the cable references use“DC loop resistance,” which refers to a single conductor. This clause uses“DC pair loop resistance,” which refers to a pair of conductors in parallel. Therefore, Rch is related to, but not equivalent to, the“DC loop resistance” called out in the cable references. Iport is the current on either powered pair. Vpp is the voltage at the PD PI measured between any positive conductor and any negative conductor of the powered pairs, YpsE is the voltage at the PSE PI, measured between any positive conductor and any negative conductor of the powered pairs. 33.2 Power sourcing equipment (PSE) 33.2.3 PI pin assignments Change the last paragraph in 33.2.3 as follows: A PSE shall implement Alternative A, Alternative B, or both. While a PSE may be capable of both Alternative A and Altermative B, PSEs shall not operate both Alternative A and Alternative B on the same link segment section simultaneously.
IEEE Std 8023cq-2020 pdf download – IEEE Standard for Ethernet Amendment 6: Maintenance #13: Power over Ethernet over 2 pairs
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