ISO 24613-4:2021 pdf download – Language resource management — Lexical markup framework (LMF) — Part 4: TEI serialization.
The further requirements concerning the GlobalInformation class are implemented as follows: — since the TEI serialization is based on the W3C XML recommendation, it implements the @xml: lang attribute to indicate the working language information corresponding to the content of any specific element. @xml: lang content shall be compliant with IETF BCP 47. There is thus no need for a specific implementation of the /language coding/ data category in order to ensure compliance of this document with ISO 24613-1; — IETF BCP 47 also relies on ISO 15924 for the coding of script names. There is thus no need to have a specific mechanism in this document for implementing the /script coding/ data category; — the /character encoding/ data category is implemented in the XML declaration of a TEI conformant document using the encoding attribute. For instance, an XML-TEI document encoded as UTF-8 according to the Unicode standard ISO/IEC 10646 shall begin with the following declaration: <?xml version=”1. 0″ encoding=”UTF-8″ ?> 5.3 Implementing the Lexicon class The Lexicon class shall be implemented by means of the TEI element <TEI> 5) , which groups together all lexical entries of a specific lexicon. The <TEI> element shall have a @type attribute with the value “lexicon” (see Table 3).
The elements provided by the TEI Guidelines within <gramGrp> for grammatical description of an associated class are as follows. — <pos> 20) (part of speech) to indicate the grammatical category of the lexical item. This corresponds to the /partOfSpeech/ data category in ISO 24611:2012, Annex A. NOTE 1 This element is equivalent to the use of the <gram> element with the appropriate @type attribute: <gram type=”partOfSpeech”>, as used in the TEI Lex 0 initiative [5] . — <gen> 21) (grammatical gender) to indicate the grammatical gender (if relevant) of the lexical item or one of its inflected forms. This corresponds to the /grammaticalGender/ data category in ISO 24611:2012, Annex A. NOTE 2 This element is equivalent to the use of the <gram> element with the appropriate @type attribute: <gram type=”grammaticalGender”>. — <number> 22) (grammatical number) to indicate the grammatical number (if relevant) of the lexical item or one of its inflected forms. This corresponds to the /grammaticalNumber/ data category in ISO 24611:2012, Annex A. NOTE 3 This element is equivalent to the use of the <gram> element with the appropriate @type attribute: <gram type=”grammaticalNumber”>. — <per> 23) (person) to indicate the grammatical person (if relevant) of the lexical item or one of its inflected forms. This corresponds to the /person/ data category in ISO 24611:2012, Annex A. NOTE 4 This element is equivalent to the use of the <gram> element with the appropriate @type attribute: <gram type=”person”>. — <tns> 24) (tense) to indicate the grammatical tense (if relevant) of the lexical item or one of its inflected forms. This corresponds to the /grammaticalTense/ data category in ISO 24611:2012, Annex A. NOTE 5 This element is equivalent to the use of the <gram> element with the appropriate @type attribute: <gram type=”grammaticalTense”>. — <subc> 25) (subcategorization) to indicate subcategorization information (e.g. transitive/ intransitive/ditransitive, countable/non-countable, etc.).
ISO 24613-4:2021 pdf download – Language resource management — Lexical markup framework (LMF) — Part 4: TEI serialization
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