ISO 445:2008 pdf download -Pallets for materials handling — Vocabulary Palettes pour la manutention et le transport des marchandises — Vocabulaire.
1 Scope This International Standard defines terms relating to pallets for unit load methods of materials handling. It also includes an informative annex listing general terms relating to materials handling. 2 General 2.1 pallet rigid horizontal platform of minimum height, compatible with handling by pallet trucks and/or forklift trucks and other appropriate handling equipment, used as a base for assembling, loading, storing, handling,stacking, transporting, or displaying goods and loads See Figure 1. NOTE The pallet can be constructed with, or ftted with, a superstructure.
1 Domaine d’application La presente Norme internationale definit les termes relatifs aux palettes destinees a la manutention et au transport de marchandises sous forme d’unites de charge. Elle comprend egalement une annexe informative enumerant les termes generaux se rapportant a la manutention et au transport de marchandises. 2 Generalites 2.1 palette plate-forme horizontale rigide, de hauteur minimale compatible avec la manutention au moyen de transpalettes et/ou de chariots elevateurs ou d’autres equipements appropries, utilisee comme support pour le rassemblement, le chargement, I’entreposage, la manutention, le gerbage, le transport ou la presentation de marchandises et de charges Voir Figure 1. NOTE La palette peut etre construite avec une superstructure ou en etre equipee.
2.5 uniformly distributed bonded load load spread evenly across the full surface of the pallet top deck, where the pattern of each single layer changes, so that the packages are interlocked See Figure 2. NOTE Sacks are an example of a bonded load.
2.6 solid load single,compact, rigid, homogeneous load, supported by all the blocks and/or stringers of the pallet 2.7 maximum working load greatest payload that a pallet may be permitted to carry in a specific loading and support condition NOTE This will vary according to the type, distribution, arrangement and means of stabillization of the load and the system of support. It may be above or below the nominal load (see ISO/TS 8611-2 [1). 2.8 payload load carried by the pallet in use NOTE This can be above, identical with or below the nominal load (see ISO/TS 8611-2 [1).
ISO 445:2008 pdf download -Pallets for materials handling — Vocabulary Palettes pour la manutention et le transport des marchandises — Vocabulaire
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