ISO 479-1975 pdf download – Paper – Untrimmed sizes – Designation and tolerances.
1 SCOPE AND FIELD OF APPLICATION This International Standard establishes a system of designation of untrimmed paper sizes for international trade and specif ¡es the appropriate tolerances. 2 REFERENCES I S0 21 7, Unprocessed writing andprinting paper – Method of expression of dimensions and direction of manufacture. I S0 478, Paper – Untrimmed stock sizes for the ISO-A series – IS0 primary range. I S 0 593, Paper – Untrimmed stock sizes for the ISO-A series – IS0 supplementary range. 3 DESIGNATION OF UNTRIMMED SIZES 3.1 Indication of dimensions The dimensions shall be expressed in centimetres. 3.2 Designation of sizes 3.2.1 IS0 untrimmed sizes I S0 P R ‘ I M AR Y R A N G E (see IS04781 Indicate – either the symbol for the corresponding trimmed sizes, preceded by the letter R Examples : RA0 for the size 86 cm X 122 cm RAI for the size 61 cm X 86 cm – or the two dimensions, expressed in centimetres, starting with the smaller Examples : 86 X 122 61 X 86 I S0 S U P P L E M E N TAR Y R A N G E (see IS0 543) Indicate – either the symbol for the corresponding trimmed size, preceded by the letters SR Examples : SRA0 for the size 90 cm X 128 cm SRA1 for the size 64 cm X 90 cm – or the two dimensions, expressed in centimetres, starting with the smaller Examples : 90 X 128 64 X 90 3.2.2 Other untrimmed sizes Indicate the two dimensions, expressed in centimetres, starting with the smaller Examples : 50 X 80 94X 130 3.3 Indication of the direction of manufacture Apply the rules given in IS0 217. 4 TOLERANCES ON DIMENSIONS OF UNTRIMMED SIZES 4.1 For dimensions up to and including 60 cm : upper deviation + 0,3 cm lower deviation – 0,3 cm 4.1 For dimensions greater than 60cm and up to and including 1 O0 cm : upper deviation + 0,4 cm lower deviation – 0,4 cm 4.3 For dimensions greater than 1 00 cm : upper deviation 4- 0,5 cm lower deviation – 0,5 cm
ISO 479-1975 pdf download – Paper – Untrimmed sizes – Designation and tolerances
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