ISO 799-2:2021 pdf download – Ships and marine technology — Pilot ladders — Part 2: Maintenance, use, survey, and inspection

02-19-2022 comment

ISO 799-2:2021 pdf download – Ships and marine technology — Pilot ladders — Part 2: Maintenance, use, survey, and inspection.
2 Normative references The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 9554:2019, Fibre ropes — General specifications ISO/IEC Guide 37, Instructions for use of products by consumers ISO 799-1:2019, Ships and marine technology — Pilot ladders — Part 1: Design and specification 3? Terms? and? definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: — ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .org/ obp — IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/ 3.1 user ship’s master, officers and crew who operate a ship on a day-to-day basis 3.2 deck? officer deck crew certificated in accordance with the STCW Convention 3.3 senior? deck? officer deck crew certificated in accordance with the STCW Convention and performing the duties of chief officer or master 3.4 spreader step step no less than 1,8 m long to prevent the pilot ladder from twisting 4 Inspection of ladders The vessel’s planned maintenance procedures shall include requirements for the inspection and maintenance of pilot ladders that comply with this document.
5 Care and maintenance instructions The manufacturer of a pilot ladder shall supply care and maintenance instructions to users. These instructions shall be produced in accordance with ISO/IEC Guide 37. The following are the minimum instructions required. a) Instructions for inspecting the ladder before and after use. A sample checklist for such inspections is contained in Annex A. b) Instructions on detailed periodic inspection and a list of people authorised to conduct this inspection. The minimum time between these inspections and the qualification of persons carrying out these inspections shall be in accordance with the sample checklist for such inspections. Examples are contained in Annex A. A Classification Society can use its alternative checklist in lieu of Annex A. c) Specific instructions on inspecting the side ropes; i.e. how to inspect manila or other types of rope used, and factors to be taken into account when determining suitability for ongoing use. These instructions shall be in accordance ISO 9554:2019, Annex C. d) Specific instructions on inspecting and repairing rope seizings or securing devices. e) List of repairs that can be conducted by users without the need for recertification. f) Care and storage instructions with specific warning on the proximity to chemicals, effect of sunlight or other possible causes of degradation of the ladder, e.g. potential effect of different cargo types on ladders longevity, effect of being stored wet. These instructions shall take into account ISO 9554:2010, Annex A.

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