ISO/TR 8713:2019 pdf download – Electrically propelled road vehicles — Vocabulary.
1 Scope This document establishes a vocabulary of terms and the related definitions used in ISO/TC 22/SC 37 standards. 2 Normative references There are no normative references in this document. 3? Terms? and? definitions ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: — IEC Electropedia available at http: //www .electropedia .org/ — ISO Online browsing platform: available at https: //www .iso .org/obp 3.1 acceleration ability (v1 to v2) shortest time required to accelerate the vehicle from speed v1 to speed v2 Note 1 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO 8715:2001. 3.2 alignment relative position of primary to secondary device Note 1 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO/PAS 19363:2017. 3.3 alignment check confirmation that the primary and secondary devices are properly positioned relative to each other Note 1 to entry: Proper positioning is done to assure sufficient system functionality (e.g. system efficiency, EMF/ EMC limits, safety requirements etc.). [SOURCE: IEC 61980-2] Note 2 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO/PAS 19363:2017. 3.4 applicable driving test ADT single driving test schedule which is specified for each region EXAMPLE Chassis dynamometer test cycle for light-duty vehicles in Japan (JC08), New European Driving Cycle (NEDC), Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule (UDDS). Note 1 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO 23274-2:2012, also defined in ISO 23274-1:2013 and ISO 23828:2013.
3.5 auxiliary electric system vehicle system, other than for vehicle propulsion, that operates on electric energy Note 1 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO 6469-3:2018, also defined in ISO 6469-2:2018 and ISO 6469-4:2015. 3.6 balance of electric circuit remaining section of an electric circuit when all electric power sources that are energized (RESS and fuel cell stacks) are disconnected Note 1 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO 6469-3:2018, also defined in ISO 17409:2015. 3.7 basic insulation insulation of hazardous live parts which provides basic protection Note 1 to entry: This concept does not apply to insulation used exclusively for functional purposes. Note 2 to entry: Where insulation is not provided by solid insulation only, it is complemented with protective barriers or protective enclosures to prevent access to live parts in order to achieve basic protection. [SOURCE: IEC 60050-195:1998, 195-06-06, modified — “hazardous-live-parts” written as “hazardous live parts”] Note 3 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO 6469-3:2018, also defined in ISO 17409:2015 and ISO/PAS 19363:2017. 3.8 basic protection protection against electric shock under fault-free conditions [SOURCE: IEC 60050-195:1998, 195-06-01] Note 1 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO 6469-3:2018. 3.9 battery control unit BCU electronic device that controls, manages, detects or calculates electric and thermal functions of the battery system and that provides communication between the battery system and other vehicle controllers Note 1 to entry: Master publication in ISO/TC 22/SC 37: ISO 12405-4:2018.
ISO/TR 8713:2019 pdf download – Electrically propelled road vehicles — Vocabulary
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